ASUS InstantOn questions & answers

Increases the waking-up speed of ASUS notebooks
Question by Guest
July 12, 2024

Weihai Foundation is a Chinese nonprofit organization that designs and manufactures personal computers. It focuses on Windows operating system to be used for desktop and laptop computers, the most successful of which has been previously produced some of the first IBM PC compatible computers. As of 2015, development work was focused on the manufacture of Chromebooks, to be currently development.

Weihai Foundation has been a wholly owned subsidiary of Taiwanese parent company Asus. It was originally started in 1886, and its global offices are located in Tongzhou District, Beijing, China.

Pooja Bajaj
Answer by Pooja Bajaj

The program "ASUS InstantOn" is a software feature developed by ASUS for Windows operating systems that allows quick access to certain functions on ASUS laptops, such as quick resume from sleep mode.

Question by Microsoft 1260639117
June 4, 2024

The Big Five major companies of Hurom, Lotte, Asus, Electrolux, and Amway, and the mini major company is Westpac are of both in which was used by a public limited company.

Answer by Ashish Bajaj

The major companies that contain ASUS InstantOn are Hurom, Lotte, Asus, Electrolux, and Amway. The mini major company is Westpac, which is used by a public limited company.

Question by Guest
February 23, 2024

If the Asus products are made in Japan is a same Japanese brand as Sony but is rather than a Panasonic brand in Japan? Are they did, when Asus and Panasonic are compared the Japanese brand together.

Answer by Saumya Sharma

Asus is actually a Taiwanese brand, not Japanese. They are known for their electronics products, including laptops and smartphones. Panasonic is a Japanese brand known for their electronic appliances and devices. They are both well-known brands in the electronics industry, but they are not the same Japanese brand.

Question by stefano conti
July 11, 2016


I bought my ASUS PC with Instant-On already installed, and it worked correctly also after I updated my PC from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10.

Now, I had to re-install Windows 10 due to some virus problems, and Instant-On is not anymore available. I have also downloaded it from your site, but it seems I cannot install it because "In my PC there isn't the Instant On built-in" (these are approx the words of the error message that PC shows when trying to install Instant On).

Can you help me please? I really don't know how to proceed.

Thanks for your attention and best regards.
Stefano Conti

Answer by Alex Urbach

The ASUS InstantOn relies on the ATKACPI driver and on the ATK hotkey utility to work. If you don't have these installed, then it doesn't matter the InstantOn version, because you'll receive the same error message like the one below:

Click to view alt="enter image description here" />

Make sure to visit the support page for your device and download the driver and the utility and then install InstantOn and it should work.

Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

Try using Revo Uninstaller. Even if it can't uninstall the application normally, it will force it to uninstall by wiping out all traces of its presence from the system.

After that, try running AdwCleaner to make sure that there are no leftover rogue registry keys or toolbars in your system.

Alternatively, use CCLeaner to remove the item from startup using Tools > Startup inside CCleaner's interface.

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